Channel: SkitsoFanActs
Category: Entertainment
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Description: Hello again SkitsoFans, We've brought you another review but this time we wanted to switch it up and share a contact company with you. We've done a couple for your guys in the past but TopsFace contacted us so we could share a new company with you all. But to give you a little extra we also included a tutorial on how to care for your lenses and how to put them in. We are quite pleased with the contacts, but if you have no interest of learning about a new contact lens company stick around for tutorial cosmetic lens care and practices. You'll also want to stick around to the end for the secret unlisted content and how to get to them Their websites: use coupon code "SkitsoFanActs" for 10% off your order! We hope you enjoy! Please like, share, and subscribe! - SkitsoFanActs Want to become a Patreon member and get access to exclusive content? Join us today! Make sure you check out our other social media's to stay up to date with all our new cosplays and projects! SFA Pages; Patreon: Teespring: Instagram: @skitsofanacts Tumblr: @skitsofanactsoffical Business eMail: Personal Pages; Sunni's Instagram: @sunnidaysfa Meg's Instagram: @megsfa Bridget's Instagram: @bridgetsfa Photography Instagram: @briganphotography